ព័ត៌មាន និងព្រឹត្តិការណ៍


Date : 2018-07-04
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Books for Cambodia (BfC) project held a Spelling B competition event at Preah Sihanouk high school on 4th July 2018 in Kampong Cham province. This event sought to promote English reading at the primary, secondary and terticiary education levels especially striving to help universities, government institutions and NGOs to create a culture of reading in Cambodia and anable to access to books of the highest quality. There were approximately 70 students including the competitors from the respective high school to register for testing their English knowledge since their school have received books from BfC. 


The young competitors actively paid their attentions to answer the Spelling B quizz. All competitors were very happy due to this was their first time to attend the competition event which provided them with opportunities to improve their English both spealling and speaking skills. The event was attended by teachers and school director to observe and give them the marks.


BfC has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport that would have covered three years of continuous funding during the period 2017 to 2020. The prospect of assured continuity from year to year will enable the program to more easily plan for coverage targets that have provided a balance of urban and rural areas. BfC has had key activities to create a culture of learning, to enhance the libraries, to look ahead and to enhance the monitoring process. 


After this event, BfC team and respective teachers scaled five outstanding students who reached to get motivated and rewarded. This motivation was very impressive to attract other students to strive to learn and read books in English because reading gave them to improve their knowledge and public speaking and test their reading abilities. The five winners expressed that they would be very appreciated to show their efforts. They were very happy that KAPE had helped happen this rading competition (Spelling B) in order to prosper the reading culture in Cambodia. 


The project would organize more Spelling B competition events in the following years according to the project period of implementation. The program planners compiled a report of assessment findings with concrete recommendations to school management to maximize book use. KAPE's team have also encouraged target schools to promote reading activities and events through outreach to parents and teachers as well as thoughtful library orientations. The project has been supported by The Asia Foundation (TAF) to implement in several districts and provinces.  

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គ្រូបង្រៀន / នាយក

