News & Events

Meeting on Five-Year Strategic Plan 2020 - 2024

Date : 2021-06-14
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On 11 June 2021, the Senior Management Team with other key program managers hosted the third meeting on “Five-Year Strategic Plan 2020-2024” in aiming to increase opportunities for developing and reviewing the old five-year strategic plan 2014-2019 and new update of the strategic plan.


After actively discussing the old five-year strategic plan, human resources, management, agency policies, various challenges, education research of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and Kampuchea Action to Promote Education (KAPE) found out that there have still been dropout-of-school students and not access to schools at all. Hereinafter, this strategic meeting was proposed mainly new directions to continuously promote education for children and youth which were classified 15 points below:


  1. STEM Education
  2. E-Learning/Online Learning
  3. Distance Education
  4. New Generation Preschool
  5. Continuous Professional Development (Mentoring)
  6. Soft Skill Education/Entrepreneurship
  7. Early Childhood Care and Development
  8. New Generation School Expansion
  9. New Generation Teacher Training Center
  10. Education Research through New Generation Pedagogic Research Center
  11. Enhanced Inclusive Education
  12. National Visibility and Advocacy of Best Practices
  13. School Based Management
  14. Out-of-school youth
  15. Professional and Technical Consultancy Services. 


In the period of last two decades, KAPE has enhanced itself bigger and highly been responsible to be for children and youth to be able to make the best life choices possible that match their potential as a result of a good education and to empower vulnerable children and youth to achieve their own right to quality education through innovative approaches.






Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





