Past Projects

School Management and Leadership (SML) Project

Project Description:

Primary Goal


The goal of this project is as follow: “The Child Friendliness of target schools improves as a result of enhanced leadership and management in 11 target primary schools”. The objectives of this project are:


  1. To increase the technical skills of the existing DTMTs members in providing support to School Managers in 11 target primary schools.
  2. To improve the capacity of School Managers improves through capacity building support.
  3. To improve child-friendly school environments through strengthened capacity of school managers and stakeholder-driven grants.
  4. School Support Committees demonstrate increased capacity based on a list of standardized criteria that includes participation, engagement, oversight, and management of resources.


Target Group


  • 11 primary schools in Chhlong district, Kratie
  • 3,657 (1,854 girls) students in total from Grade 1 to 6.
  • 194 (79 females) direct implementers (Teachers, school managers, SSC and CEFAC members, DOE and POEs staff).
  • Project starts on 1st August 2015 to 30 June 2018


Core Activities:


  • Deliver training sessions on technical skills, leadership and management to DTMT members in Chhlong district.
  • Conduct technical school support visits to school managers by DTMT members.
  • Conduct leadership and management training sessions by project staff and DTMT members for school managers.
  • Organize exposure visits for school managers and DTMT members to learn about Child Friendly School initiatives in other locations.
  •  Conduct technical cluster meetings with teachers by school managers and DTMT members focusing on teaching skills and learning materials production.
  • Develop school improvement plans in a participatory manner along with accompanying grants to support an evolution towards more child friendly school environments.
  • Provide capacity building sessions to SSCs on roles and duties, key education policies (e.g. EFA), advocacy and community engagement.
  • Conduct SSC assessments at various points (e.g. Baseline, midline and end line) during the project.


The project supported by

ChildFund Ca​mbodia





Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





