Current Projects

Upper Secondary Education - Sector Development Project 2 (Tech Support)(USE-SDP2)


USE-SDP 2 is a project funded by the Asian Development Bank that supports 50 Secondary Resource Schools (SRS) as well as 87 network schools. All schools receive technical assistance from the SRS’s in their area. Activities to support schools are part of what is known as Component B of the project.[1] The 137 schools supported by USE-SDP 2 are spread throughout all provinces in Cambodia. Schools have been organized into five technical regions with an ADB Regional Adviser assigned to each. KAPE will be working very closely with Regional Advisers when it provides all technical assistance.


As one of the unique provisions of the design of USE-SDP 2, both MoEYS and ADB have agreed to include the involvement of civil society organizations with strong reputations for high quality programming in project implementation. In this respect, MoEYS has included the involvement of KAPE and VSO to assist the project with specialized technical implementation in diverse areas including School Planning, Life Skills Education, Career Counseling, Teacher Mentoring, Library Development, and several others. As part of its Terms of Reference with the project, KAPE is responsible for 15 deliverables while VSO is responsible for five.


KAPE was selected for its role in the project because it also implements the New Generation School Initiative (NGS) with direct funding from MoEYS. NGS is a unique program with a highly innovative design that the Ministry hopes USE-SDP 2 can borrow some programmatic ideas in order to better realize goals relating to educational quality. Similarly, VSO has played key roles in assisting MoEYS to implement Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities at many levels. Both agencies have been in negotiation with MoEYS since June 2019 to formalize agreements and contracts so that their support could start sometime in 2020.

[1] Component A refers to technical and material support to the National Institute of Education while Component C refers to technical support to MoEYS Departments and Offices.



The key impact of the project refers to the ‘development of high-quality human resources’ while the outcome refers to ‘improving the effectiveness of Cambodia’s upper secondary education system.’


Key Activities

Although KAPE does not implement the project directly, it provides technical support to realize 15 Deliverables that are summarized below:

  • D1: Education Design Specifications
  • D2: Library Organization Framework
  • D3: Library-based M-Learning Services Framework
  • D4: Career Counseling Manual & Roadmap
  • D5: Multi-purpose Life Skills Design
  • D6: Guidelines for the Efficient Utilization of Multi-Purpose Life Skills Classrooms
  • D7: Facilitator Manuals on Constructivism & Computational Thinking linked with ICT facilities
  • D8: Assessment Report & Recommendations to Improve MoEYS Web Portal and Publishing policies.
  • D9: Establishment of Subject Club Exemplars
  • D10: Teacher Mentoring Framework
  • D11: Quarterly Reports
  • D12: Digital Assessment Recommendations & Guidelines
  • D13: School-based Management Planning Framework & Facilitator’s Manual
  • D14: Compliance with DMF & GAP Targets and Indicators
  • D15: Rapid & Comprehensive School Surveys


Target Group

Upper Secondary School Students


Target Areas

All provinces


Start Date

22 September 2020


End Date

21 September 2023


Supported by

MoEYS-Asian Development Bank





Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





