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Demobilizing out-of-school students to return back to school

Date : 2023-09-01
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Fisher Folk Making Circular Economy Work For The Western Tonle Sap Lake Project (FOSTER) hosted a home-based campaign to mobilize out-of-school students to return to their schools and to promote local children's rights, especially, to disseminate the important messages of education to the community, families, guardians and authorities.


The campaign was aiming to:

  • identify and locate out-of-school children
  • provide knowledge on children's rights to stakeholders
  • dissemination of children's rights and protection of children from all forms of abuse
  • disseminate the importance of education to the community.


Mr. Chheng Vanna, the Director of Muk Pen Primary School, expressed his happiness and said, "hosting home-based campaign has brought together school management committees, communities, teachers, students and local authorities to have space for more discussions on the value of educating parents to monitor their children's learning, especially to make stakeholders aware of the school development process and implementation plans."


The home-based campaign was in good progress due to there were school directors, local authorities, parents, teachers and students involved to spread education to the community widgely.


Fisher Folk Making Circular Economy Work For The Western Tonle Sap Lake Project (FOSTER)  is implemented by KAPE with financial support from Eropean Union and AeA in aiming to take part in developing social economy and fishery community endurance.




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





