

Secondary Education Coordinator

Mr. Channy Bean was born on May 2, 1983, in Kralabeas village, Baydamram commune, Banann district, Battambang province. He lives in Preytotoeung village, Lomharch commune, Angsnuol district, Kandal province. He has worked for KAPE by achieving great results mainly he undertakes the position of Secondary Education Coordinator for New Generation School Initiative (NGSI).


Before 2014, he was a former employee of Kape organization in Kampong Cham. Due to the need to strengthen the capacity himself, he moved to work in Phnom Penh to learn more about the project and some technical work for three years. During those three years, he learned a lot about the projects and techniques related to leadership, education services, facilitation, and conducting the workshops process. In 2015 He has attended Strategies for Employment and Institutional Management in Italy and in 2017 he has attended the project management seminars with CNV International organization in the Netherlands, , and other workshops in Asia and the Middle East. In 2017 until now, he has returned to work with Kape in the New Generation School Program and has worked as a secondary educator coordinator. In his work as a facilitator, he has worked extensively with school parties, ministries, and partners, both public and private, in collaborating on the field of education, and he has achieved many good results, especially in his position. As a secondary coordinator of the New Generation School Project.


Education: Bachelor’s Degree of General Management 

Mobile Phone:


012 29 42 21

096 ​31 36 866
Email: Channy.bean@kapekh.org
Social Media:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/channy.bean

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/channy-bean-channy-27b0899b/

YouTube: www.youtube.com/@beanchanny9584
Telegram: Channy Bean 
Skype: Bean.channy2


Your dedication is a huge benefit for Cambodian children. 




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





