News & Events

SDPP Coordination Body Meeting

Date : 2014-09-25
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The School Dropout Prevention Pilot Program (SDPP) is a three-year multi-country program, funded by USAID, aimed at mitigating student dropout from secondary school.~


Members of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) Coordination Body and representatives from the six target Provincial Offices of Education (POE) met for two days in Pursat on 4-5 March 2014 to review SDPP implementation progress and the next quarter’s activity plan. The meeting was presided over by the MoEYS Secretary of State HE Im Koch. Discussion focused on the draft SDPP Sustainability Plan, which presented preliminary ideas for continued MOEYS support for and operation of Early Warning System (EWS) and Computer Labs in the treatment schools. Participants were separated into five teams to visit five SDPP target schools to observe and evaluate intervention implementation. Following the school visits, participants shared their ideas on strengths, weaknesses and recommendations for the SDPP implementation.


H.E. Im Koch was impressed by the SDPP activities he observed on this—his first—visit to SDPP treatment schools. He complimented the project on the smooth operations of the Computer Labs and stated he wants to see the Early Warning System continued after the end of the project. He said he would report what he had learned to the new MoEYS Minister.




Primary Schools


High Schools


Higher Education Institutions





